Health Insurance
Health insurance – a product that saves lives
A miracle pill that will allow us to save our health and the health of our loved ones in different situations in life has not yet been developed. If there was one – who wouldn’t run to buy it? So there is no pill, but there is insurance that works in a similar way to it – it’s called health insurance.
As long as we have our health – how many times have you had to say that? Countless, like all of us. This daily saying will become essential and effective if we make sure that we always have a full health backup. The public health system is not able to provide us with such backup – not at every moment, and certainly not in every situation. The insurance industry, on the other hand, is ready to back us up with a variety of health insurances that literally save lives.
Private health insurance = private medicine. Private health insurance allows each and every one of us to enjoy private medicine under optimal conditions. In contrast to the complexity of medicine in the public system which presents us with very limited options, with private health insurance, the control of our health is in our hands.
Controlling the medical treatment process – without the need for and dependence on the approvals of various committees in the HMO and the Ministry of Health. Private health insurance allows you to choose your treating physician in Israel/abroad according to your personal preference, to receive any surgery/implantation/treatment that you require while the costs of hospitalization and treatment will be borne by the insurance company, to receive financing for medication that are available outside the healthcare basket, and many more rights granted by the insurance.