כתובתנו: רחוב הלל 23, קומה 11 מרכז העיר ירושלים

טל’: 02-6228555   |  פקס: 02-6253366

שעות פעילות:

מחלקת שירות: 08:30-16:00

כתובת למשלוח דואר: ת.ד. 2121, ירושלים 9102101

כתובת המייל שלנו: elad@el-ad.co.il


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Our Services

Life Insurance (Risk)

Life Insurance (Risk)

Thinking ahead – to maintain a high standard of living for you and your family

We all live in the present at one level of living or another, which is directly related to our income and the income of our spouses. The question is – what will happen in the future? It is true that none of us can predict the future, but we can certainly reach it ready for any scenario – whether retirement, loss of working capacity due to injury or illness, and even death, God forbid.

Do you want to maintain a good and desirable standard of living and quality of life for you and your family in the future as well?

For this, income alternatives must be created for these possible scenarios. One of the smart ways to do this is by purchasing life insurance under a directors’ policy or a private life insurance policy.

What is the basic purpose of life insurance?

To provide protection for the people near and dear to you in case they may experience financial difficulties if and when there is a change in your status as the main source of income. This can happen in the best case in retirement, and in the worst case in situations of serious illness, disability or death. In such situations, the family may experience a severe loss of income – which may lead to a radical change in their standard of living and lifestyle. Life insurance is designed to prevent such harm with all its consequences.

Which life insurance is right for you?

There are several types of life insurance for you to choose from. Among them are some that combine savings elements – in order to maintain the standard of your life and the life of your family even after you retire. Many people debate which life insurance to choose, so it’s worth using a professional for advice and guidance – the El-Ad team is here for you with all the experience and knowledge to guide you to the right choice.

To take care of your future and that of your family – you need to start now.

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Life Insurance (Risk)

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