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Insuring the future in the present and enjoying advantages all along the way

A pension fund is actually used as a retirement savings plan. When the day comes, the fund pays monthly allowances to the beneficiaries.

Included in the pension insurance are: pension savings tracks that are structured in advance, insurance for disability and loss of working capacity which grants a disability pension, as well as insurance for the event of death which grants a pension to survivors.

The rights of the members of the pension fund are defined in uniform regulations.


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Old-Age Pension

The old-age pension is paid to those entitled to it from the moment they reach the age defined as the eligibility age. The pension is paid from that moment for life.

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Eligibility age for pension

this is usually the retirement age as defined in the Retirement Age Law. The retirement age is the age at which the employee is entitled to retire from his job. On the other hand, mandatory retirement age (67) is an age at which the employer may terminate the employee’s work.

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Early retirement and late retirement

different pension plans allow the retirement date to be brought forward or postponed. In the case of early retirement – the retirement date will be brought forward before the normal retirement age, usually while reducing the pension rate. In the case of a late pension – the retirement date will be postponed after the normal retirement age, usually with an increase to the pension rate.

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