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Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management

Professional investment portfolio management or independent management? This is the question!

Troubles of the rich have fallen on your lap? Did you receive a respectable amount of inheritance? Have you accumulated significant savings over time? Have you just received your retirement funds and want to keep them liquid? Your doubts are understandable, because it is very important how your money will be invested, assuming that it is important for you to maintain its value and also generate additional income from it.

Many times this is also the stage where the question arises – should you manage your finances independently or choose professional portfolio management? The decision on the right path for you depends more than anything else on your personal characteristics and the expectations you have regarding the fruits of the investment. The characteristics of the savings also need to be taken into account for this decision – the scope, the investment range, the purpose and more.

In any case, it is important to talk about the advantages of professional case management:

  • Expertise is the name of the game – professional investment portfolio management is in the hands of a securities portfolio management specialist, who is authorized to do so by the state. This is a qualified professional, every choice they make between the various investment alternatives will be made in an informed way, with a thorough understanding of the market conditions and the expected effects on the components of your investment portfolio. Such an expert will monitor the current investments and perform the necessary actions following the changes in the capital market. Worth it!
  • The winning combination: professional management and personal service – a professional portfolio manager will do everything for you and in full professionalism. They will monitor the various market movements on a daily basis and analyze their possible impact on the scope of your investment portfolio. They will build the investment portfolio in accordance with your personal needs and take into account every relevant parameter: risks, returns, taxation, desired investment range and more.
  • And yet… the control remains in your hands – some people fear a lack of control over their investment portfolio. If this is you – it is important to know that there is nothing to fear. You have the option of giving your portfolio manager general instructions regarding their activity in the portfolio. You will be able to define what the boundaries of the sector in which they are allowed to act in are. There is no obstacle for the portfolio manager to work in collaboration with you, and still the knowledge and experience they gain will help you achieve the optimal return within the risk limits.

In comprehensive financial planning and when building a balanced investment portfolio, it is recommended to integrate alternative investments as an integral part of your investment portfolio

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Portfolio Management

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